Saturday, May 23, 2020

Friendship Is A Strange Concept - 1732 Words

Friendship is a strange concept. You meet someone and eventually, after talking to them and being around them more you feel more comfortable calling them a friend opposed to an acquaintance. However, not just anyone can be a friend and there are different types of friendships. According to Aristotle there are three different types of friendships and only one of them is the real deal. The Epicureans would view friendship as being something very important in life. To me, friendship is both of these views put together with a few changes here and there. To begin, Aristotle believed that there are three types of friendship. One of those three is a utility friendship. This friendship is based only on one person’s own good, and it is only a†¦show more content†¦The first people that come to mind when I think of this type of friendship is my soccer team from high school. The girls and I shared similar interests which was evident since we were on the soccer team together. We were all determined to win the games we played and had fun doing it. Soccer brought us together and brought out our silly side since we let loose in practice. However, once the season was over most of us stopped talking as often and we just waved hello or goodbye to each other nothing more, and nothing less. The Third and final type of friendship that Aristotle described is an authentic friendship. This type of friendship is based on a person’s character. It is rare, long lasting, and the end result of it is we become better people. I have had the pleasure of coming by authentic friendship. My best friend Joceline and I have known each other for six years. She is funny, smart, sarcastic, loud, fun, and caring. We met through being on the high school soccer team together our freshman year. She was painfully shy and didn’t want to have anything to do with anyone. However, I managed to break her out of her shell, and she managed to help me build my confidence as well as to become more open minded. Over all Aristotle believed that friendships help us personally, and as citizens because they help us live together and find the common good in on in another and we get pleasure out of it. Also he believed that friendship is

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